Sunday, December 14, 2014

Basic Lithium Polymer (Li-Po) Battery Handling

Li-Po Battery I have been using Lithium Polymer a lot lately since I found new hobby, playing helicopter. They actually Lithium Hybrid Polymer, because if you open it, got a little liquid inside and they are not fully dry cell. In the begining, a lot of my Li-Po battery expand like balloon. Quite frustrated. After looking here and there...
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Friday, October 19, 2012

NATO phonetic alphabet, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta...

Hi all, Entering oil and gas business recently make me wonder why they call platform name with end A, B, C. They actually Alpha, Bravo, Charlie... and certain area that have 1 mother platform and 4 satellite platform, they add A, B, C, D, and E after each platform name. The mother platform, xxxxx Alpha. The satellite platform, xxxxx Bravo,...
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Friday, April 20, 2012

The Morse Code Table

What Morse Code? I watched a movie a few days ago and saw people using Morse code in that movie. Tu..tuuut.tuut.bla~bla~bla~... and the guy just said the translated massage on the spot. Wow, wtf!. I heard about Morse code many times before that, but never really bother to know more about it. Well, we are not really using that Morse code...
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Saturday, April 07, 2012

How to Make Invisible Folder

How to make invisible folder. Well, just in cast to light hide something like your cat picture, porn video or whatever. See step below; 1. Go to your desktop, right click > New > Shortcut. 2. Click Browse.. 3. Choose folder you want to make shortcut/hide it on desktop. After that click OK. 4. Click Next 5. Delete the name suggestion....
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Tuesday, April 03, 2012

ProTypers Really Paying for Your Work!

Hello AllToday I want to share with you about this online typing job. After you signup here, you can start working immediately. The minimum to get payment from them is USD3.00They process payment on Monday every week so you don't need to request payment. (Right click on image below, Open in new tab) If you found this usefull and want...
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Donkeymails Cash Out 03

3rd payment from donkeymails for clicking their on image for larger picture Join free h...
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Sunday, April 17, 2011

NeoBux Cash Out Today

Instant payment from NeoBux to far so good. CLICK HERE TO JOIN FOR F...
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Saturday, July 31, 2010

3rd Cash Out From NeoBux

3rd Instant payment from NeoBux to far so good. CLICK HERE TO JOIN FOR F...
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Thursday, April 08, 2010

Mase kerja dulu~~

Time boss xde kat opis   Bile boss pangil Bile kene pegi meeting Bile time rehat Bile dapat project baru dari boss   Bile tengah cari idea tuk project Bile project susah nk buat Bile otak jam Bile client banyak songe dan berlagak pandai Bile client tukar fikiran saat akhir Bile boss suh kije lebih mase (Over...
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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Second Payment From NeoBux

My Neobux Second Cashout Click banner below to join for FRE...
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