Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm not feeling well...=.=

I'm not feeling well...=.=

Today I went to the clinic to see a doctor. As usual, the doctor ask me what sickness that I have. Then I said I have fever, running nose, etc.. Then after a few second, the doctor give me the list of medicine I have to takes. What a pro doctor. Giving me medicine without checking and any further investigation!

Got all the medicine I need, then I when back home.. At home my family asked me " Did you get your MC?".. -_-" Oh noo~ actually, I thought the doctor will give me the MC without asking.. Too bad. I'm wrong.. I have to ask for that f**king MC thing.. FYI, this is some sort of my first MC. That why I have no idea about getting it. (^_^) . So I went back to the clinic and got my MC.. (-_-")/.. To my friend at work, sorry mate.. I'm not working today.



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